Welcome Message

Name: Mohd Ariff Bin Mohd Pauzi
ExSchool: SK Taman Semarak, SK Paroi, SMK Seri Pagi, SMT Tuanku Jaafar
Studying now: UITM Lendu (Dip.Sains Komputer)
Hobby: Playing game, take picture, sofbol and taekwando
Taekwando: Currently now I'm blackbelt.. Involves in Taekwando at age 7 years old.. ^o^
My gurl: Sharifah Nurul Farhana Aina
Tagline: Wesss, muahahaha, banzai, owhman, ^o^, >.<, O.o, +))

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tikus mati = Kucing dorm

Haha.. Arini ak kluar dorm je tros nmpak tikus mati depan dorm.. muahaha... Tikus dorm memang hebat...

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